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Eeva Juutinen
I am a choreographer and dance artist based in Helsinki Finland.
My work focuses on conditions and modes of production, process and practise, aiming to question them and to find alternative models and viewpoints.
I have studied dance in Trinity Laban (BA in Contemporary Dance) graduated 2014 and at The Place London Contemporary Dance School (Post Graduate Diploma in Dance, Choreography and Performance) graduated 2016. In October 2018 I have graduated from P.A.R.T.S. Research Program: movement x sound x word directed by Bojana Cvejic and Alain Franco in Brussels. I graduated with MA in Choreography from Theatre Academy in Helsinki in 02/2022.
I have studied somatic movement since 2019 and I hope to continue these studies in the future. I practise reiki which has lead me to be interested in touch and energy. I have also studied shamanism and sisterhood work since 2016, where the aim is to create supportive and lifting connection between women and those who experience themselves as women.
I am working with choreography and performativity.
I explore breathing and writing as performative elements and main methods for choreographing. Currently I approach composition in all my works from various different angles.
My areas of interest have been and are around intimacy, intensity and affect. Different notions of poetry, imagination, body, movement and performativity interest me. Questions around body and environments as well as connectivity and difference are part of my work. Recently I have been interested in psychoanalytic approaches towards the body. At the moment all my works also relate to being and existence from various angles.
I also do long materialistic processes alongside choreographing as part of my artistic work. So far I have been working with flowers and plants (drying and storing them, as well as extracting as scent) and making performance clothes and crochette. These practises continue being part of my work.
My work has been generously supported by these grants and organisations so far:
06/2024: TelepART 600e, for residency in Pianofabriek
02/2024: Helsinki City 1500e, project grant
02/2023: Arts Promotion Centre Finland 6500€ grant for production costs of EMO
01/2023: Ehkä Production,7500€ +travel expenses, production budget for creation of EMO
06/2022: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, 6 month long artistic working grant for the year 2023
03/2022: Arts Promotion Centre Finland 12 000€ Corona grant, for artistic work in 2022
09/2021: Arts Promotion Centre Finland 6000€ Corona grant, for artistic work
05/2019:Finnish Cultural Foundation 3000€ Mobility Grant, Readymade for Capitalism
3/2019:Arts Promotion Centre Finland 2000€ Project Grant, Readymade for Capitalism
11/2018:Alfred Kordelin Foundation 2700€ Project Grant (Self Contained) -project
9/2017:PARTS DNA Departures & Arrivals 1000€ Project Grant (Self Contained)
Photo: Laura Malmivaara

Photo: Sinem Kayacan
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